- 29/05/2023
- PhD Thesis Defence by Nikos Melanitis-Paraskevas titled " Development of biologically inspired computer vision methods in retinal prosthetics".
- 03/04/2023
- Students from Biodesign Innovation Process had the opportunity to attend MIT Global Startup Workshop 2023
- 14/11/2022
- New articles published in the MDPI Sensors Special Issues "Sensors in Serious Games for Health" and "Internet of Medical Things in Healthcare Applications"
- 03/10/2022
- Professor Konstantina Nikita is the 21st Editor-in-Chief in IEEE TAP's over 70-year history
- 22/09/2022
- Professor Konstantina Nikita has been appointed Global Chair of the University of Bath for the academic year 2022-23.
- 06/09/2022
- New article titled "Long Short-term Memory–Based Prediction of the Spread of Influenza-Like Illness Leveraging Surveillance, Weather, and Twitter Data: Model Development and Validation" published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research.
- 11/07/2022
- Biotech Day 2022 was completed with the announcement of four awards
- 05/07/2022
- NTUA BioTech Day 2022 will take place on July 6, at 3 pm, via Webex
- 21/06/2022
- NTUA alumni gave inspiring talks in a series of events that took place in May
- 11/04/2022
- Konstantina Nikita spoke about the enabling role and the challenges of big data in healthcare at the Delphi Economic Forum, that took place on April 6-9, 2022