On October 31, 2018, BioSim participated in the ECE NTUA Freshmen Welcome Event

The main event took place at the Ceremony Hall of the Administration Building. After the Dean’s welcome speech, Prof. Konstantina Nikita, coordinator of the Undergraduate Studies Committee, presented the undergraduate program of the School of ECE, highlighting the multitude of opportunities for fruitful collaborations among students and research groups, offered by the School.

Outside the Ceremony Hall, several booths were set up, presenting the activities of the School's educational, research laboratories and research groups. At BioSim’s booth, attendees expressed their interest in learning more about the undergoing academic and research work, as well as about the main research activities of our lab in the areas of mobile health, chronic disease management and computational neuroscience, while discussions also featured issues related to the academic objectives of specific courses, as well as professional and academic career opportunities after graduation.