Classification of Focal Liver Lesions from CT Images using Texture Features and a Neural Network Trained by a Hybrid Method

Mougiakakou, Stavroula G, Gletsos, Miltiades, Nikita, Alexandra S, Matsopoulos, George K, Konstantina S Nikita.

Proceedings of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering, EMBEC{\textquoteright}02 - 2nd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference, 2002.



@conference {p132,
	address = {Vienna},
	author = {Mougiakakou, Stavroula G and Gletsos, Miltiades and Nikita, Alexandra S and Matsopoulos, George K and Konstantina S Nikita},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering, EMBEC{\textquoteright}02 - 2nd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference},
	citation-key = {1288},
	month = {2002},
	title = {Classification of Focal Liver Lesions from CT Images using Texture Features and a Neural Network Trained by a Hybrid Method},
	type = {conference},
	year = {2002}