Launch of two new research projects, titled "Cockpit Crew Health Monitoring (CCHM)" and "Medication Adherence System for Chronic Patients by Redesigning of the Medical Blister (SMART-BLISTER)", coordinated by BioSim

BioSim launches two new research projects in the framework of the “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation” Operational Programme 2014-2020, titled "Cockpit Crew Health Monitoring (CCHM)" and "Medication Adherence System for Chronic Patients by Redesigning of the Medical Blister (SMART-BLISTER)".
Human factors are the principal cause of aircraft accidents, at a rate of 70 – 80%. Of these accidents, 10% are due to "disease" and the rest are due to "human error". "Pilot incapacitation" is the term used in the literature to describe the inability of a pilot, who is part of the operating crew, to carry out his flight duties, because of one or more factors which arise in flight and affect either human physiology (i.e. disease, hypoxia) or human performance (i.e. fatigue). The incapacitation can be physical or mental, acute or progressive, evident or latent. It is evident that acute and latent incapacitation is the most dangerous for the flight safety. CCHM aims at the “in flight” monitoring in a flight simulator environment of the human physiology parameters (heart rate, breath rate, hemoglobin oxygen saturation, muscle tone and sleepiness), by the use of specialized sensors, the digital technology and advanced signal and image processing techniques and thus develop: a) A real time “Cockpit Crew Health Monitoring System”. b) An “Early Warning System for the Second Pilot” so he resumes the control of the aircraft, thus minimizing the probability that an aircraft accident happens.
The goal of the SMART BLISTER project is to study, design and develop a novel smart blister concept based on a passive electronic circuit that will be printed on available blisters with the use of conductive or high resistance one layer inks. A small electronic device will be used to activate the blister and communicate with a central information cloud computing system. The project aspires to develop a concept/device that will have low cost in mass production and can be easily adopted and used in real life. The integrated system consisting of the prototype blister, the activation device and the central information and communication system will inform patient about his/her treatment and provide alert signals in case of a dosage omission, thus increasing the level of medical adherence.