A modification of the Dual Energy Window Subtraction method for scatter compensation in Pixelized Scintillators for SPECT

Loudos, George K, Sakelios, Nikos, Giokaris, Nikos D, Konstantina S Nikita, Nikolaos K Uzunoglou, Maintas, Dimitrios V.

2nd International Conference on Imaging Technologies in Biomedical Sciences: ITBS 2003, 2003.



@conference {p143,
	address = {Athens and Milos Island, Greece},
	author = {Loudos, George K and Sakelios, Nikos and Giokaris, Nikos D and Konstantina S Nikita and Nikolaos K Uzunoglou and Maintas, Dimitrios V},
	booktitle = {2nd International Conference on Imaging Technologies in Biomedical Sciences: ITBS 2003},
	citation-key = {1299},
	month = {2003},
	title = {A modification of the Dual Energy Window Subtraction method for scatter compensation in Pixelized Scintillators for SPECT},
	type = {conference},
	year = {2003}