ISBI 2024 – Recordings Now Available

We are pleased to announce that a selection of recordings from the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging is now available for viewing. These recordings capture a range of insightful presentations and talks from leading experts in biomedical imaging. The sessions showcase groundbreaking research, innovative technologies, and real-world applications that are shaping the future of healthcare. You can find the recordings here on the Bodossaki Lectures on Demand platform.

The list of the available presentations and talks includes:

  • “An alternative view of denoising diffusion models”, by Francis Bach.
  • “ISBI 2024 Satellite Event - Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine: Education, Research, Innovation”, featuring the first day of the event.
  • “Artificial Intelligence: Where we are, where we are going”, by Joseph Sifakis.
  • “Industry Day”, featuring three talks from the Pharma Meets Imaging session.
  • “Getting Serious about AI in Healthcare: Retrospective and Prospective Validation”, by Anant Madabhushi.