Alexia Tzalavra received the Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and the Msc. Degree in Medical Informatics from the Department of Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. During her undergraduate studies, she was member of the researching team for the “AllergyOn” project that participated in the Microsoft Imagine Cup 2006 design competition. In this project, an enhanced system regarding the identification of allergens in the air in the food and drugs was created. This project was ranked as 1st in the Pan-Hellenic competition and 4/200 in a Central-European basis. During her graduate studies, she was a member of the research team for the project with title “Education of autistic people with the use of new technologies. She is currently working towards the PhD degree in the BioSim Laboratory, School of ECE, NTUA. Her research focuses on the development of computer-aided diagnosis systems for breast cancer.