In-vitro assessment of Jurkat T-cells response to 1966 MHz electromagnetic fields in a GTEM cell
Moraitis, N, Christopoulou, M I, Nikita, K S, Voulgaridou, G P, Anestopoulos, I, Panagiotidis, M I, Pappa, A.
IEEE Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2015.
@conference {p455, address = {Milan, Italy}, author = {Moraitis, N and Christopoulou, M I and Nikita, K S and Voulgaridou, G P and Anestopoulos, I and Panagiotidis, M I and Pappa, A}, booktitle = {IEEE Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society}, citation-key = {1615}, month = {August 25-29}, title = {In-vitro assessment of Jurkat T-cells response to 1966 MHz electromagnetic fields in a GTEM cell}, type = {conference}, year = {2015} }