Temporal and spectral analysis of snoring sound signals

Keliris, Anastasios A, Spyretta Golemati, Koutsourelakis, Ioannis, Vagiakis, Emmanouil, Konstantina S Nikita.

5th Panhellenic Conference on Biomedical Technology, 2013.



@conference {p383,
	address = {Athens, Greece},
	author = {Keliris, Anastasios A and Spyretta Golemati and Koutsourelakis, Ioannis and Vagiakis, Emmanouil and Konstantina S Nikita},
	booktitle = {5th Panhellenic Conference on Biomedical Technology},
	citation-key = {1530},
	month = {04/2013},
	title = {Temporal and spectral analysis of snoring sound signals},
	type = {conference},
	year = {2013}