A Computer-Aided Diagnostic System for the Characterization of CT Focal Liver Lesions using Texture Features and Artificial Intelligence Techniques
Mougiakakou, Stavroula G, Gletsos, Miltiades, Nikita, Alexandra S, Matsopoulos, George K, Nikita, Alexandra S.
European Conference in Radiology, 2003.
@conference {p158, address = {Vienna, Austria}, author = {Mougiakakou, Stavroula G and Gletsos, Miltiades and Nikita, Alexandra S and Matsopoulos, George K and Nikita, Alexandra S}, booktitle = {European Conference in Radiology}, citation-key = {1314}, month = {03/2003}, title = {A Computer-Aided Diagnostic System for the Characterization of CT Focal Liver Lesions using Texture Features and Artificial Intelligence Techniques}, type = {conference}, year = {2003} }