- 28/08/2019
- An article titled "Biologically-inspired image processing in computational retina models" has been published in Computers in Biology and Medicine journal
- 28/08/2019
- Guest Editorial for the Special Issue on Wireless Real-time Health Monitoring Technology for Personalized Medicine, co-authored by Gianluca Lazzi, Raphael Lee, and Nantia Nikita
- 27/08/2019
- Professor Nantia Nikita is participating in the jury of IEEE BR41N.IO Hackathon, that is taking place on October 27-28, 2019, in Athens, Greece.
- 27/08/2019
- The speech took place on February 9th, 2019, within the framework of the 6th Pediatric Radiology Meeting, of the Mitera Children's Hospital
- 05/08/2019
- Special Issue under the theme "Advances on Neuro-Informatics", guest co-edited by K. Nikita, in IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
- 17/07/2019
- PhD Thesis Defense by Eleni Adamidi titled "Control System and Data Acquisition for the Remote Monitoring of the personnel in the ATLAS experimental infrastructure at CERN"
- 05/03/2019
- Managing diabetes and obesity through gaming
- 22/02/2019
- A new book by Spyretta Golemati and Konstantina S. Nikita titled "Cardiovascular Computing: Methodologies and Clinical Applications" has been published by Springer
- 08/11/2018
- On October 31, 2018, BioSim participated in the ECE NTUA Freshmen Welcome Event
- 06/09/2018
- Paper titled "Comparison of machine learning approaches towards assessing the risk of developing Cardiovascular disease as a long-term diabetes complication" has been included in the highlights of the IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics